Friday, May 22, 2009

It was a Great May Meeting!

Thank you to all our members and guests for attending our meeting on May 12th.
It was a great meeting.
Mr. Glenn Freeman of the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge was a great speaker.
The Freedoms Foundation is a national, non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization. It was established to honor patriotism and good citizenship.
Mr. Freeman commented that we should teach students where we came from and the only way to preserve our American heritage is to teach children to love America! He also stressed we should adhere to the Constitution of the United States. 55 Men formed this country.
They saw a problem and solved it through the Declaration of Independence.
Now, the federal government is just over 545 people. You ask “why does it seem so big?” All the other people work for the 545 people!
As a vigilant people, what we must do is to make our representatives adhere to the constitution. We, as a country have to follow the constitution. Some elected officials say “It’s more complicated than that.” Mr. Freeman said, “If it’s that hard to explain why you voted the way you did then maybe you should give it up.” His point is that we should make them explain their reasoning.
Ladies, it is so important that we let our representatives know we’re watching them and we will hold them accountable.
Thank you, Mr. Freeman, for your insight and knowledge.

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