Monday, October 3, 2011

Thank You to Sarpy County Commissioner Jim Warren

We would like to thank Commissioner Warren for speaking to our group at our last meeting!
Here is a brief summary of what was discussed.

Jim Warren was elected to office in 2011. He spoke about his family,Patty, his wife and their three children. He is very involved in his community and Volunteers with the Gretna Fire Dept. and directs the Mission program at his church. Commissioner Warren addressed the issue of transparency in the government and supports transparency on the County level too. He also stated he would like all the County employees to have the same benefits/health insurance considering elected offices and salaried offices. As it is, some are under different programs and have no co-pay while others do. Commissioner Warren also thinks the Learning Community Law is just wrong and would like to see it go away. Some of the issues on the County level are AG property assessments and they are working on that. They are also looking at redistricting and the impact that will have on districts. The rural population may have a stronger voice now. The board is also working on issues with the 911 call center. Commissioner Warren will have more to report on that at a later time.

As Republican Women we should ALL keep informed!
Don't miss NE Senator Jim Smith at our next meeting!

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